Manga World - Best Manga Reader

4.6 ( 5496 ratings )
Underholdning Bøger
Forfatter: boong soft

Discover, Read, and Download thousands of manga right on your iPhone, iPod and iPad.

AppAdvice - "The go-to app for thousands of manga titles"
iSource - "The whole experience is fast, fast, fast"

With Manga World, you can:

- Browse thousands of manga from 24 sources, in 7 languages
- Download manga when reading, or let it run in the background
- Read manga, and personalize the viewer to suit you
- Discover what to read with Manga World’s recommendation
- Add titles you love to Favorite to keep track of their releases
- Pick up where you left off via Recent
- Read on multiple devices with Backup & Restore

You will lose sleep, lots of it. You’ve been warned.